Extreme Metal

Atom Smasher / Blindsided, An Epic Thrash/Death Metal Odyssey

Album Review: Atom Smasher: Debut album Blindsided, a Progressive Thrash/Death Metal odyssey full of complex, engaging tracks influenced by Metallica and Gojira. Words: Jools Green @atomsmashermetal

Aklash / An Impressive Fresh Sound In Black Metal

Album Review: Aklash - Innovative fourth album Reincarnation blends progressive, melodic, and exotic influences to redefine the UK Black Metal scene. Words: Jools Green @aklash_uk

Zørza / The Impressively Haunting Post-Black Metal Experience Of Hellven

Album Review: Zørza - Hellven. A dark and haunting Post-Black Metal album. With nine tracks, and a cover of Windir's Journey to the End, a captivating journey. Words: Jools Green @zorza_pbm @godz_ov_war_productions

Unleashing Terror: House By The Cemetary’s Evolved Sound in The Mortuary Hauntings

Album Review: House By The Cemetary. The evolved death metal sound of The Mortuary Hauntings. Inspired by cult horror and Lovecraft, this album delivers a brutal, forward-thinking experience

Strychnos Drops Armageddon Patronage: A Bold Resurgence in Black/Death Metal

Album Review: Strychnos are back! Second full-length album Armageddon Patronage—a deeper dive into aggressive Black/Death Metal, releasing 17 May 2024. Words: Jools Green @strychnosterror @darkdescentrecords

Oppress. / The Subtle Art Of Turning Gold Into Shit

Album Review: Oppress. / The Subtle Art Of Turning Gold Into Shit. A thought-provoking and cleverly complex offering, it demands your full unwavering attention.

Dødsferd / Wrath, A Powerful New Chapter in Greek Black Metal

Album Review: Greek Black Metal stalwarts Dødsferd return with Wrath, their twelfth studio album. Intense themes and a raw sound -A Black Metal Masterpiece. Words: Jools Green @hypnoticdirgerecords #dødsferd

Hässlig / Apex Predator Is Delightfully Filthy And Brutal

Album Review: Hässlig - Apex Predator, a raw, necrotic album of Black Metal/punk. Demented soundscapes inspired by the most infamous criminals and dark tales. Words: Jools Green @sentientruin #Hässlig

Duisternis Make Impressive Black Metal Debut With Unity Unto None

Album Review: Explore Unity Unto None, the debut Black Metal EP by Duisternis, featuring Chris Howell's atmospheric and varied soundscapes. Words: Jools Green @dvisternis

Spit On Your Grave / Arkanum, Tarot-Inspired Death Metal

Album Review: Spit On Your Grave / Arkanum, A Mystic, Tarot-Inspired Death Metal Journey. This is a mighty dose of Death Metal par excellence. Words: Jools Green @soygband @concretorecs

The Flying Duck / Vacuous, Iniquitous Savagery, And Rancid Cadaver

Gig Review: Glasgow Rocks the Underground: Vacuous, Iniquitous Savagery, and Rancid Cadaver Lead Thriving UK Death Metal Scene at The Flying Duck Words: Elena Francis Photography: @razorrhead_productions @vacuousdeath @iniquitous_savagery @rancidcadaver @theflyingduckglasgow

Ingested / Latest Masterpiece A Brutal Odyssey Of Resilience

Album Review: Explore the 8th Ingested album, The Tide Of Death And Fractured Dreams. A brutal blend of life's struggles and triumphs, it is their best work yet. Words: Jools Green @ingested @metalbladerecords

Vorga / New Album Takes Black Metal To Cosmic Heights

Album Review: Vorga - Beyond The Palest Star (Transcending Obscurity Records) 29 March 2024. Every track builds with promise and most importantly, delivers.

Coffin Storm / The Feisty Doom-tinged Metal Of Arcana Rising

Album Review: Coffin Storm – Arcana Rising (Peaceville). A work of many years, Coffin Storm's debut is an album that every fan of Doom-tinged Metal should hear. Words: @hutchie224 @coffin_storm @peacevillerecords

Khold Unveils Grim Concept Album Du Dømmes Til Død

Album Review: Khold Unveils Grim Concept Album Du Dømmes Til Død About Condemned Henchmen Throughout Norwegian History. A superb album from start to finish. Words: Jools Green @kholdofficial @soulsellerrecords

Udåd / The Primal Black Metal Feeling Of Thomas Eriksen

Udåd - Udåd. It has all the old-school attractions but with good quality production and, without being overproduced, is absolute perfection. Words: Jools Green @peacevillerecords @mork.official

Midnight / Hellish Expectations, Adding Exhilaration In Your Life

Album review: Midnight - Hellish Expectations (Metal Blade Records). If you need a bit of exhilaration in your life, this might just meet that remit for you. Words: Jools Green @midnightviolators @metalbladerecords

Skeletal Remains Deliver A Level Of Death Metal That Few Meet

Album Review: Skeletal Remains – Fragments Of The Ageless (Century Media). The bludgeoning impact of a fierce Death Metal LP that demands respect and attention. Words: @hutchie224 @skeletalremainsofficial @centurymediarecords
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