With the news that 60% of England are facing winter with tougher COVID-19 restrictions in place, the outlook for many of our Grass Root music venues has never looked bleaker.
The Cavern Free House is one such venue, who were hosting safe limited seating live music events until this weeks news enforced another closure. With pubs and venues now also missing out on the important Christmas trade, seventeen bands have now got together to offer an album for download to help support this iconic venue.
Organised by Danny Hynes from NWOBHM band Weapon UK, ‘Bands That Rocked The Cavern’ is an album featuring seventeen bands which have previously played The Cavern Free House and who have all donated their track for free.
The download is available for £12 +VAT, with all proceeds going to support owner Noel Nevin and his staff in these unprecedented and difficult times. The download can be bought from here: https://gumroad.com/l/dUONE
MetalTalk spoke with Danny Hynes to find out more about the project.
The list of bands who have contributed looks really good. Where did you get the idea for the project?
Danny: “I was trying to think of an idea as Noel had had a crown funding which had helped. But rather than another funding round, I thought of an idea which means people will get something back. I thought the best idea was to ask some bands if they would offer up a track and try and put something together.
“Thankfully they all did and more. A lot of bands wanted to join in, there was too many really. Seventeen was enough!”
And these are all bands who have appeared at The Cavern in the past?
“Everyone of them. I wanted original music and not cover music. Everyone was really helpful and supportive.”
The Weapon ‘Emerald God’ track, why did you chose that one?
“Well, I probably had forty tracks to choose from. I thought, being a friend of Philip’s and with the recent movie coming out, it was a good track to add. We could have added our first single from when we got back together in 2011 ‘Ready For You’, but a lot of people have that already.”
With tracks from people such as Matt Pearce, Praying Mantis, a trio of Summers brothers and Mud, there are plenty of cracking tracks to Rock along with and MetalTalk encourage you to dip into your pockets to help a struggling business which has great roots in the Heavy Metal scene.