Download Festival 2023 / Sunday Is Another Scorching Hot Furnace

Download Festival 2023 – Sunday. The last day for Download 2023. The final frontier. The scorching hot furnace which we are willingly striding into. But what an epic time.

All previously considered notions that four days instead of the usual three might be too much have gone. With Metallica crushing it last night, the mood is nothing short of high as the stages are once more set for the last time this year.

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

Slipknot are coined to bring a thumper of a show later, but with nine hours to go, the lead-up is as much as the finale. Heading towards the arena, campers are already leaving or dumping their stuff in their cars before returning to avoid unpacking in the dark.

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

With the party going in District X until the early, early hours, many are looking a little exhausted, but as soon as they pass through security and onto the site, the hangovers seem gone and the levels back to festival rock-on mode.

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

Ignoring the parking carnage at the start and those noise complaints, it’s been smooth running. The great thing about Download festival (or any festival really) is the opportunity to enjoy the artists you love but also to discover a whole load of new ones.

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

With an overwhelming amount of music around across four stages, it’s always impossible to catch them all, but I would like to think every person leaving tonight or tomorrow is leaving with nothing but brilliant memories and a whole load of music to crack on with listening to.

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

What a beautiful long weekend it’s been, and what a way to celebrate 20 years of Download Festival as it is now.

Join Hillbilly Vegas on Tour This July

Download Festival 2023
Download Festival 2023. Photo: Andy Shaw/MetalTalk

Take Part: Are you at Download this year? Who are you looking forward to see? Want to get in touch and tell us how it’s going? Email MetalTalk Editor Steve Ritchie to tell us how it’s going for you.

Download Festival 2023 was a record breaking year.

MetalTalk Download 2023 coverage can be found at

Download 2023 will see the festival celebrate its 20th anniversary with an additional day, meaning four days of live music in total.

This year’s MetalTalk team is:

Monty Sewell

Paul Monkhouse


John Hayhurst – SnapAGig

Andy Shaw

For Download 2022, visit

Sleeve Notes

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