Behemoth, fresh from Bloodstock 2022, will release their twelfth album, Opvs Contra Natvram, in three weeks and have today shared one of their most menacing singles. Thy Becoming Eternal is a tale of finding strength in times of misfortune and features a video produced by Japanese animator Ruben Fro.
“Legions! Our new offering from Opvs Contra Natvram…Thy Becoming Eternal,” says Adam ‘Nergal’ Darski. “As always, we’re trying to keep things fresh. The video was produced by talented Japanese animator Ruben Fro, who created this epic, aeonic CG landscape for our stoic warrior to journey through. The song itself is a fast and furious beast with a bombastic ending, definitely one of the most intense songs in Behemoth’s catalogue.”
Opvs Contra Natvram can be pre-ordered from
Behemoth are fresh from their headlining performance at Bloodstock 2022, where the Polish quartet brought their thirty-one-year climb to the peak of the mountain in no uncertain style.
Behemoth, along with Arch Enemy, Carcass and Unto Others, will feature on The European Siege Tour, which starts in Dublin on 27 September, running through to Brixton on 2 October.
The tour then hits mainland Europe, finishing in Oslo on 6 November.
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