It was a nice suprise when Mr Conte came out and asked if I possessed a hair dryer, which unfortunately I don’t when on the road. A little discussion about how to achieve that ‘out of bed’ hair and hairspray advice did the trick and off he popped.

Sonia Waterfield – Day 3 – Exeter, The Gig

At exactly 1650 it was eventually time to load in, which was done with eagerness. Time to find and set up me swag desk whilst the boys sort out their instruments and tune in.

It seems that all the action happens at the merch stand, as Ginger came over to sign a load of his new ‘Best Of Solo’ albums. So after a chinwag with him about the general touring experience, Steve Conte arrived to show off his new hair do courtesy of Tony & Guy, looking very swish indeed!

voodoo six
Ginger’s signature on the table – being sold in aid for Red Cross Japan – enquire at merchy desk

7.00pm came and doors opened. The crowd flowed in and kept coming up until half way through the Voodoo Six set. The room which was a mini auditorium was full. I guess it’s nice for the bands to be playing on a bigger sized stage too.

Suprisingly again there was a good amount of Voodoo Six t-shirts among the throng, along with a couple of fans who had come to see only the Voodoo guys. That’s whole hearted dedication for you!

N.Y.A.A had a good reception (which would have been nice for them after their earlier shock of having a minor incident). They played their psychedelic rock with the addition of their stage props again.

After a quick changeover, Voodoo Six bounded onto the stage and straight into their set. Was good to hear cheers of support for the band, which reflected in their performance which seemed more pumped up than usual. Not sure if that was due to the cheers and the stage size or the atmosphere which had a great buzz.

I can confirm that after the set it was very good to hear fans feedback of “awesome”, “great band” and more compliments than I can remember, which were relayed to the band during their ‘meet & greet’ session at the desk. Even Chris gained a dedicated fan, bless him.

Michael, Ginger, Steve, Sami and Karl came on to a massive cheer and thundered into their set. You could sense the electricity and energy emanating from the stage and crowd. Tonight really felt a lot more like a proper tour, with cheers of delight and much applause coming from the whole room.

voodoo six
Chris and Ed signing cd’s for fans

Even though it was rocking it the room, we at the merchy desk were having a party of our own with the security guards, talking about the most randomist of things from the Dudley and West Midlands accent, nipple clamps and much more!

As Michael ended on a high with many whoops, feet stomping, clapping and shouts for an encore, he and the band obliged.

The last track was played and many a happy fan embarked on their journey home, leaving bands and crew to load out once more.

Sleeve Notes

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