Hellfest 2023 / The Ultimate Heavy Metal Pilgrimage to France’s Iconic Music Festival

Hellfest Festival 2023. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Like thousands of others, it was time to start the journey to Hellfest, one of the biggest Heavy Metal festivals in Europe! At the airport, everyone was going about their day rushing this way and that. I spot a bar, it’s time for that compulsory airport beverage, and that’s when I notice it. More black garments, black eye make-up, band t-shirts. I had to pop the question, “Are you going to Hellfest?” It was a resounding Yes.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

After speaking to a few people, the next big question consensus is, “Who are you most looking forward to seeing?” The top answer is Tenacious D. It seems that there hasn’t been much opportunity to see them since Download 2012. And, of course, because of who they are.

The comedic duo have brought so much joy to us Metalheads. There’s not been a time I have experienced when someone starts belting out a Tenacious D song, and the whole place doesn’t join in. It always turns into a joyous sing-along. That is why they are also the band I am most looking forward to seeing too.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

Touch down in Nantes, and we’re that much closer! As you walk out of the airport, it would be hard to miss that Hellfest is happening. We are greeted with signs everywhere, draped over the building itself, all down the road, and then straight across where buses, taxis, and shuttles can be found. There’s a big guitar on a stand, with Hellfest simply written on it.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

We are dropped at the shuttle bus station from hell! The temperature sure felt like it anyway, but everyone kept their spirits up with excitable chatter. Along with thousands of other campers eager to reach the gates, we queued for the final part of our journey. Black buses arrived with flames up the sides to ferry us to hell, with cheers as each one pulled away.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

Arriving at Hellfest, the first thing we see is a giant rusty guitar mounted on a roundabout with their symbol, which looks like a permanent fixture. Setting up camp, everyone is in good spirits, singing away, friends hugging, reunited, and fun outfits.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

There’s the Hellfest castle looking like the entrance to a Heavy Metal Disneyland! Hellfest, we are in you!

Nuclear Blast has signing sessions today in their tent. See the photo below for bands/times.

Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson.
Hellfest Festival 2023, Clisson. Photo: MetalTalk

Take Part: Are you at Hellfest this year? Who are you looking forward to see? Want to get in touch and tell us how it’s going? Email MetalTalk Editor Steve Ritchie to tell us how it’s going for you. Hellfest@MetalTalk.net.

Hellfest Festival 2023

MetalTalk Hellfest 2023 coverage can be found at https://www.metaltalk.net/tag/hellfest-2023

This year’s MetalTalk team is:

Jade Colvin

Kahmel Farahani


Georgia Brittain

For Hellfest 2022, visit https://www.metaltalk.net/tag/hellfest-2022

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