Jimi Hendrix

Estates Of Noel Redding And Mitch Mitchell Can Sue Jimi Hendrix

Estates of Jimi Hendrix bandmates Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell are allowed to sue Sony Music for song royalties, London's high court have ruled.

Eddie Kramer / My Jimi Hendrix memories as Gibson release two signature guitars

Gibson guitars are to release two signature guitars, the Jimi Hendrix™ 1969 Flying V in Aged Ebony and the Jimi Hendrix™ 1967 SG Custom in Aged Polaris White."Music doesn't lie. If there...

Cum On Feel The Newz: 19 September 2020

With the 50th Anniversary of the sad loss of guitar legend Jimi Hendrix, we were excited to read a story in the Edinburgh Evening News that the '66 Jimi Hendrix Experience breakthrough single...

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